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This module is compiled using source files found in this Source folder.

Pull Requests

When providing pull requests, please make sure to include an appropriate Pester test.


Install the Powershell modules required to compile the module (once):

.\Dev\Install-RequiredModules.ps1 -RequiredModulesFile .\Dev\RequiredModules.psd1 -Verbose


After code changes, compile and import the updated module (as found in the Output folder):


To run all Pester tests using the newly built module:

.\build-module.ps1 -Test

To run a single Pester tests using the newly built module:

.\build-module.ps1 -Test -Path .\Tests\Unit\Private\GetCustomEditUrl.Tests.ps1

Supports the Pester -Output parameter for more testing details.


Imagine developing the Alt3-module and testing it against the Pester documentation website to see the effect of your code changes.

The below steps would:

  1. Build a fresh version of the Alt3-module containing your code changes
  2. Import your version of the Alt3-module into your current session
  3. Use your in-session Alt3-module to generate the Pester Docusaurus command pages
cd Alt3.Docusaurus.Powershell
cd ..\pester-docs\
.\generate-command-reference.ps1 -SkipModuleImport